Mit mehr als 20 Jahren Erfahrung und Fachwissen in der Herstellung sind unsere Wissenschaftler in der Lage, Ihren Bedarf an maßgeschneiderten Produkten zu decken.
Unser kundenspezifischer Proteinproduktionsservice umfasst die Klonierung der gewünschten DNA in einen Expressionsvektor, die Proteinexpression des gewünschten Expressionskonstrukts und die Proteinaufreinigung mit unserer proprietären Strep-tag®-Technologie.
Darüber hinaus entwickeln und produzieren wir MHC I Streptamer® Reagenzien mit Ihrem spezifischen Allel und Antigen.
Framework Agreement and Licensing
General remarks about IBA’s cloning, protein expression and purification services
- Cloning is planned in close cooperation with the client. For example, we can introduce specific point mutations (such as additional restriction sites) into the termini of a gene via PCR cloning.
- The original control sequencing print-outs of the gene insert can be provided on request. IBA does not guarantee that the encoded gene will be expressed.
- For difficult gene syntheses prices and delivery times are adapted accordingly; IBA is not obliged to accept difficult gene syntheses.
- If for any reason a successful PCR product cannot be obtained from a template supplied by the customer and/or the sequence information, a basic fee will be charged for our cloning attempts only.
- In case, the Strep- or Twin-Strep-tag® tag was used, the purified protein is supplied as eluted from the Strep-Tactin® or Strep-Tactin®XT affinity column in elution buffer containing desthiobiotin or biotin, respectively.
- Protein concentrations are determined using the theoretical extinction coefficient at 280 nm of the recombinant protein, which is determined by the addition of the extinction coefficients of the tryptophane and tyrosine residues present in the recombinant protein or by a colorimetric assay according to Bradford, with BSA as reference protein.
- The original control sequencing print-outs of the gene insert can be provided on request. IBA does not guarantee that the encoded gene will be expressed.
Our custom service requires the exchange of sensitive data. Therefore, all proprietary information and intellectual property transferred to IBA GmbH is kept absolutely confidential and is covered by a confidentiality agreement if requested.
As a service provider, we do not intend to claim any rights on proteins which we manufacture for our clients as long as the proteins are used for in-house research purposes only. However, a separate license for use of the Strep-tag® technology is necessary, if direct commercialization of ordered proteins is intended. This is also the case if clients use the Strep-tag® technology for the production of recombinant proteins in their own facilities with subsequent commercialization. IBA is authorized and ready to grant licenses for those purposes. IBA is not obliged to accept orders. Shipping costs are charged separately.