About IBA Lifesciences

IBA Team
Mike Rothe has extensive biotech industry experience and expertise in building successful life science companies. His involvement in biotechnology started as a visiting scientist at Genentech, Inc. (South San Francisco, USA) in 1992. From 1994 to early 1999, he was a Staff Scientist and Team Leader at Tularik, Inc. (South San Francisco, USA). In 1999, Dr. Rothe joined DeveloGen AG (Göttingen, Germany) as Vice President, Research and Development and later served as its Chief Scientific Officer. In July 2001, he co-founded U3 Pharma AG (Munich, Germany) and assumed the roles of Managing Director and CSO. He was instrumental in the acquisition of U3 Pharma by Daiichi Sankyo in 2008. From 2009 to 2012 he served as CEO and Member of the Board of Directors of Igenica, Inc. (Burlingame, USA). Prior to joining IBA GmbH, he was CEO of ImmunoQure AG (Munich, Germany) and CEO and Delegate of the Board of Directors of ImmunoQure Research AG (Zurich, Switzerland). Dr. Rothe studied biochemistry at the University of Tübingen before receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Munich and being awarded the Otto-Hahn Medal of the Max-Planck-Society. He is the author of numerous scientific articles and international patents.
Research & Development
Director Marketing
Coming from Kassel or Hannover (A7) take exit "Göttingen Nord". After 500 m take exit "Holtensen", in the roundabout take the second exit into August-Spindler-Straße, then immediately turn left again into Rudolf-Wissell-Straße. IBA GmbH is the second complex of buildings on the left.
Coming from Göttingen downtown, location main station/ Romantik Hotel Gebhards, take the "Berliner Straße" towards A7 Hannover/Kassel and turn right into "Groner Landstraße". Immediately after crossing the bridge over the river turn right into "Königsallee" towards "Adelebsen", follow it passing two roundabouts. After 1.9 km turn left into “Elliehäuser Weg”, go straight ahead for 900 m, turn right into Rudolf-Wissell-Straße”, follow the road and pass the left turn. 100 m onward you find IBA Lifesciences GmbH in the complex of buildings on the right. We recommend taking a cab from the main station to IBA Lifesciences GmbH (takes about 10 minutes).
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard certification

Being the most recognized quality management standard in the world, ISO 9001:2015 is designed to help organizations to ensure that they meet the needs of customers and employees. It recognizes that the policies, practices and procedures of a company consistently result in high quality products and services which are provided to their customers.
Dr. Joachim Bertram, Managing Director at IBA, discusses receipt of the certificate: “Since 2004, IBA’s production and customer service fulfilled the high level of the ISO demands and standard procedures. However, gaining this accreditation now enables us to really demonstrate and highlight our high quality performance to our customers”.
IBA Lifesciences GmbH is dedicated to providing high quality tools for life science research and supports customers from early discovery to commercialization in industry and academia. The company offers solutions for the entire production chain of recombinant proteins, from cloning, transfection, protein expression and purification, to detection, immobilization and assays.
Download ISO 9001 certificate here.
Funded research projects

BioNanoSPION - Entwicklung eines neuartigen Produktionsverfahrens für Nanobodies in E. coli.
Das Ziel des vorliegenden Projektvorhabens besteht in der Entwicklung eines neuartigen Produktionsverfahrens für Nanobodies auf Basis einer bakteriellen Hochzelldichtekultivierung, das einen integrierten Aufreinigungsschritt mithilfe magnetischer Partikel (SPIONs: Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles) beinhaltet. Durch die Kopplung von Nanobodies und SPIONs über die von der IBA entwickelte Strep-tag®/Strep-Tactin® Technologie entstehen Nanobody-SPION-Konjugate, die eine einfache Abtrennung der Nanobodies aus dem Kulturmedium im Verlauf des Herstellungsprozesses ermöglichen. Zusätzlich zu diesem innovativen, prozessintegrierten Aufreinigungsschritt werden die Nanobody-SPION-Konjugate direkt als Produkt für die Zellisolierung auf den Markt gebracht. Die magnetischen Eigenschaften der SPIONs können somit sowohl für die Nanobody-Produktgewinnung als auch für die spätere Anwendung als Forschungsreagenz zur Zellisolierung genutzt werden.
FKZ 16KN053647

FKZ 16KN053647: MS Multi Mat – Membran App/Membranapplikation – Zellreinigungskartuschen mit innovativen Trägern

FKZ 13FH6K01IA: Innovativer Ansatz zur Wundbehandlung auf Basis eines Zell-/Exosome Sprays – KMU – Skin-Las
FKZ 16KN053641

FKZ 16KN053641: MS Multi Mat – BioReg – Polymer-Protein-Scaffold zur Zellreinigung
Nr. ZW3 – 85021564

Antrags-Nr. ZW3 – 85021564: Entwicklung neuer Verfahren zur gezielten Erzeugung spezifischer Einzeldomänen-Antikörper mit niedriger Bindungs-Affinität
FKZ 03VNE2046D

FKZ 03VNE2046D: Entwicklung einer adaptierbaren, molekularen Strategie zur Qualitätskontrolle zellbasierter Therapien; Teilprojekt: Fab-Streps & Aktivierungsmarker (ZellTherQC)
FKZ 03RU1U091B
FKZ 03RU1U091B: Entwicklung von funktionalisierten Magnetpartikeln und Farbstoffkonjugaten zur Isolierung und Detektion von Spermien